Prepared to visit the walk-through sculpture of Mirador torre Glòries?


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January 4, 2023

The dome of Mirador torre Glòries is crowned by an incredible walk-in sculpture suspended from the highest point of the building. The structure, covering 130 m3, designed by the artist Tomás Saraceno, makes an impression on all those who visit the top floor of the emblematic Torre Glòries. It is the result of an ambitious architectural project that, in addition to a complete reconstruction of the skyscraper’s 30th floor, has perfectly integrated an immersive artwork in the space.

If you love heights, come and live the experience. Emotion, architecture and views from this installation that hangs in the dome of one of Barcelona’s highest buildings! Don’t miss it!

What is a walk-through sculpture?

A walk-through sculpture is an artistic concept that invites visitors to move their bodies in a different way inside the sculpture. In addition to this ludic aspect, these immersive artworks invite visitors to reflect: the viewer no longer simply views the piece but becomes part of the experience created by the author.

Tomás Saraceno envisions Cloud Cities Barcelona as a space removed from the city and anthropocentrism, where the pillars are ethics towards the environment, the planet and the cosmic network of life; an installation where visitors can think about shared futures and the interdependence of all living beings, a space that combines fun and reflection. To this end, inside the cloud spaces, visitors can find a selection of readings to encourage collective dialogues.

The numbers of the artist’s only permanent walk-through sculpture

The enormity of Cloud Cities Barcelona can be read in its figures. A total of 9000 tensioned cables create this immense walk-in sculpture that is suspended inside the dome of Mirador torre Glòries. A huge metal cobweb of cables that connects the 113 cloud spaces formed by 1200 panels, where visitors can stop during their visit. A structure like this is only possible with a total of 5000 connection pieces and 267 anchor points that allow the strong union of all the elements.

If you still aren’t sure of the magnitude of this huge immersive artwork, here is one estimation: if we put all the cables of Cloud Cities Barcelona end to end it would cover a total length of 6000 metres. A number that is the same as half of Diagonal or even half of Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, Barcelona’s longest street!

Conversing with forms of life

Born in Argentina, Tomás Saraceno has more than two decades of experience in the world of art. His projects dialogue with forms of life and life-forming and have a strong connection with local communities, scientific researchers and institutions around the world. The artist seeks a more equal balance of human, techno- and bio- diversity.

His exhibitions and installations can be found in the main museums and institutions around the world, such as The Shed, New York (2022); Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires (2017); Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2018); and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (2012).

His walk-in sculpture Cloud Cities Barcelona is the cherry on top of the visit to the different spaces of Mirador torre Glòries. A unique installation in the south of Europe that will not leave you indifferent. Be part of the future of cities and take a walk through the clouds of Barcelona!

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