Mirador torre Glòries, winner at the Japan World’s Tourism Film Festival


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April 5, 2023

The “Mirador torre Glòries, see Barcelona like never before” corporate video has won an award at the 5th edition of the Japan World’s Tourism Film Festival (JWTFF). Up against a selection of projects from across the world, the Mirador torre Glòries audiovisual production won in the category of best promotional video.

This is the third award given to “Mirador torre Glòries, see Barcelona like never before”

The JWTFF award is the third that our promotional video has received since its release in May 2022. The video was produced by director Steve Green and created by the Barcelona advertising agency, Tractor. This was an external team, involved from the very first moment in the visual story of Mirador torre Glòries, that managed to perfectly capture the experience in this audiovisual production.

This is a very special award for us as it is the first obtained in Japan, a market with many opportunities, and one with which we would like to create close ties during 2023. Let’s go for it!

Japan World’s Tourism Film Festival

The CIFFT circuit, the most prestigious awards in the video marketing industry for the tourism sector

The JWTFF is part of CIFFT, the International Committee of Tourism Film Festivals. Since 1989, this circuit of awards and initiatives has sought to give a voice to the most pioneering tourism advertisements, promotional videos and social media pieces of the moment. It aims to contribute to creativity and innovation in the sector through recognition and promotion. The festival has the support of pioneering institutions worldwide, such as the UNWTO, ETC, CATA and CTO, as well as the collaboration of TSTT.

Many thanks to the organisation and to all of you who have made this award possible. We are proud to add another award to the Mirador torre Glòries project. Let’s keep going!

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